Golden Boy Pizza, San Francisco


Golden Boy Pizza

542 Green Street (Near Grant)

San Francisco, CA 94133


Golden Boy Pizza Exterior

Golden Boy Pizza is a hole in the wall restaurant in North Beach. This place takes only cash and serves pizza slices from big trays that are warmed up. There are lots of beers and two rows of counter seating.

Golden Boy Pizza Interior 2

Golden Boy Pizza Interior

Golden Boy Pizza Trays of Pizza

Decor, Vibe – Small stool and counter lined dive. Stickers all over the place. Mostly tourists and locals in their 20’s and 30’s.

Menu Pictures

Golden Boy Pizza Menu


Golden Boy Pizza Combination

Golden Boy Pizza pepperoni

The Combination ($3.25) and pepperoni pizza ($3.25) was bland, mushy and not flavorful. Crust is thick almost like foccaia bread.

Golden Boy Pizza Clam Pesto pizza

The Clam and pesto ($3.50) had more flavor as it was mostsly covered with parsley.

This is clearly a place for those on a budget or in need of a quick slice and cold one. They are open till 2am on weekends, so it is a good place to fill that late night craving of pizza and beer.
This isn’t Zacharys or Little star. Service is friendly.

Restaurant Map:

Golden Boy Pizza Overall Rating: (Average 1.5)

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Food Rating: (Average)
Service Rating: (Average)
Atmosphere Rating: (Average)
Value Rating: (Good)

Guide: 0 = poor, 1 = Below/Average, 2 = Good, 2.5 = Very Good, 3 = Excellent , 4 = Extraordinary

Alcohol:Beer, Wine
Hours:Mon-Thu 11:30am-11:30pm, Fri-Sat 11:30am-2am, Sun 11:30am-11:30pm
Prices:$2.75 - $48

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