Oidon Japanese Restaurant, San Mateo

Reviewer: Foodnut.com

Oidon Japanese Restaurant

71 E. 4th Ave

San Mateo, CA 94401


Oidon San Mateo Front

Oidon is a small, almost hidden Japanese restaurant above the Suruki Supermarket in downtown San Mateo.

Oidon San Mateo 8

Suruki is famous for its 50% off Japanese food sale 30 minutes before closing time. People wait for sale and then push and shove each other to buy stuff. Crazy scene.
It was time to check out the restaurant upstairs, we had been in the supermarket many times.

Oidon San Mateo 4

Oidon San Mateo Inside 2

Decor, Vibe – Oidon has pretty generic decor for a Japanese restaurant. Everyone eating there was asian and pretty hard-core about food.

Menu Pictures

Oidon San Mateo menu


Oidon San Mateo Champon Noodles

Champon Noodles or mixed noodles is their most popular item. It had a strong broth and pork. Lots of veggies and noodles. Lots of lettuce though. Not a lot of meat.

Oidon San Mateo Zaru Soba Noodles

Zaru Soba was cold soba noodles with dipping sauce. This version was ok, nothing special.


The service was pretty average for a place like this. With places like Sushi Sam and Hotaru nearby, this place has lots of competition that is better.

Restaurant Map:

Oidon Japanese Restaurant Overall Rating: (Good 2)

Come Back?

Food Rating: (Good)
Service Rating: (Good)
Atmosphere Rating: (Good)
Value Rating: (Good)

Guide: 0 = poor, 1 = Below/Average, 2 = Good, 2.5 = Very Good, 3 = Excellent , 4 = Extraordinary

Alcohol:Beer, Wine, Sake
Hours:Mon-Sat 11am-230pm. Mon-Wed 530pm-Midnight. Th-Fri 530-11pm. Sat 530-9:30pm
Prices:$3 - $13

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